Do you have a nickname?

Where were you born?
Orillia, Ontario, Canada

What is your hometown?
Kolding, Danmark

Do you have a wife, a girlfriend or are you single?
I am married to Joan.

Do you have any Children?
Yes, I have a 2 year old daughter named Malou.

What is your favourite food?
Tiger shrimp marrinated with tons of garlic, chili, fresh corriander and white wine.

What is your favourite band?

What are your other interests or hobbies?
Travel, Reading and Computers

Do you have any game day routines?
I like to eat the same thing and sleep at the same time on game days.

Do you have any superstitions related to hockey?
I shave before games.

Who has been the most influential person on your hockey career?
My father

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have a sister named Ariana who lives in Seattle, USA.

Who is your favourite actor or actress?
Anthony Hopkins

What is your impression of Denmark so far?
I really like Denmark and the Danes, however I really miss the nature in Canada.

Who is the best player you have ever played with?
Dan Boyle

What made you decide to come to Denmark to play?
It is a long time ago since I made the decision, but the league where I was playing in England went bankrupt and I received an a good offer from Denmark. After 6 years in England I was ready to try something new.